The Beauty Of This Now - Pre-Order

Marc Douglas Berardo

Produced by Walt Wilkins and Ron Flynt Credits: MDB - Acoustic guitars, Vocals, John - Drums & percussion, Glenn Fukunaga - Bass, Bart de Win - Piano, Wurlitzer piano & Rhodes piano, Ron Flynt - B3 Organ, Wurlitzer piano & Baritone Guitar, Chris Beall, - Electric Guitars, Geoff Queen - Pedal Steel Guitar, Mark Epstein - Upright Bass, “

Produced by Walt Wilkins and Ron Flynt Credits: MDB - Acoustic guitars, Vocals, John - Drums & percussion, Glenn Fukunaga - Bass, Bart de Win - Piano, Wurlitzer piano & Rhodes piano, Ron Flynt - B3 Organ, Wurlitzer piano & Baritone Guitar, Chris Beall, - Electric Guitars, Geoff Queen - Pedal Steel Guitar, Mark Epstein - Upright Bass, “On My Way Home to You”, Scrappy Jud Newcomb - Electric slide Guitar, “I’ll Carry You Harmonies: Tina Mitchell Wilkins, Walt Wilkins, Kelley Mickwee duet on “Hearts in Play” The Austin Beach Boy Fan Club Singers - Bill Small, Larry Seaman & Ron Flynt on “Another Day, In July

”The Beauty of This Now is about connection and the struggle to get back home. That home is defined by our relationships with the people in our lives and the better truths that we all seek.

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